I am a mess.

All your weight, it falls on me...it brings me down
December 07, 2001 @ 4:04 p.m.

All right, so perhaps I should introduce myself to those who don't know or who might actually give a shit once and awhile.......

I'm Kelly. I'm blonde. I'm pissy. I'm a poet, sometimes. I obsess like nobody's business.

I can still smell him from this afternoon. It's his own and something I can't place. But it's there. I wade through it all too willingly.

I'm a pessimist. If you can't tell that by now, you should be shot.

I dislike noise, messiness, life. I am absolutely sick of everything that has to do with happiness.

Relish is the coolest word ever. That, and beguile.

Kyle says I shouldn't worship Fred Durst. I can't be his friend if I do. And since I like Kyle, I won't worship Fred Durst anymore. Not that I ever did. I worship Jason Wade.

Mark is a sweetheart.

My favorites? Color, blue. Song, "How You Remind Me" by Nickelback. Season, not this one. Band, Lifehouse. Local band, Jettingham.

I'm from Iowa, originally. Not by choice, by birth. And yes, it is absolutely all corn. And those who say that it's not: you're wrong. You know you're wrong. Just admit you're wrong. It's okay.

I love pity. Especially self-pity. I sleep with self-pity and whore myself around with it.

Doink is my new word. Use it, people. Spread it like you do herpes.

Anyone pissed off at anything I've said yet? Tough shit. My diary. Don't read it if you don't like it.

Donkey Kong rules. It's doinkeriffic.

I'm completely hypocritical. It's a fun thing to be, albeit a bit retarded. It means you don't think with your brain; you just pull things out of your ass. I'm all about that.

Usually I'm much more eloquent than this. But I figured fuck it, it's Friday, and no one reads this anyway.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
