I am a mess.

news on the bonefront
March 11, 2003 @ 11:09 a.m.

So. Guess what? No surgery. No procedures. No nothing concerning the stupid screws loose in my ankle. Why?

Because there aren't any loose. The screws are all in place, and my lovely and quirky doctor, Dr. Pilcher, said that the part you can feel moving around is probably scar tissue from the original break that has moved.


Dr. Pilcher said that the pain is coming from nerve irritation by this scar tissue, and probably by the plate rubbing up against it as well. The plate will stay in place where it is, unless I want to take it out because it's causing me a lot of pain. I could also be developing arthritis where the break never actually healed (I saw this on the x-ray; it was sorta cool), which, you know. Is not good.

I'm fucking 19, yo.

He said if I wanted to take the plate out, then I would be off my feet for a week. That's just not possible. Therefore we leave it in.

I also learned a bit of interesting news: I have 7 screws in my bone, but two are facing a different direction than the other 5. Why? Because I actually shattered my bone when I broke it, all those 7 or so years ago. And he had to go in there and put something back together that didn't even resemble a bone anymore.

So, considering. I'm relatively happy. Although the arthritis thing is upsetting, he said that can be relieved with ibuprofen and wearing my dorky supporting boot to work.

70 pounds, some metal, and lots of pain later, I'm still wondering why I had to trip on a crack and laterally break two bones.

I coulda been thin.

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- - March 22, 2010
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b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
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