I am a mess.

let a long, low signal
May 04, 2004 @ 5:43 p.m.

I'm trying to work on the seven page paper I have due tomorrow for a final (plus a PowerPoint, because I have to give a presentation over this shit) and I'm so bored with all of it. All I can think about is tomorrow's the last day.

Such a great feeling. I'll have a summer of painting and beer and late nights and novels and laying in my new bed, completely satisfied with things. I can't wait to be satisfied with things.

Yesterday was a good day. I had to run a take-home final up to Cedar Falls, but it was actually quite fun because I kidnapped Aaron and his best friend Joe and took them with me. It was nice to see Aaron -- I'd not seen him in over two weeks, which for us is forever. I think things are getting okay between us again. Everything feels comfortable again.

I finally got to meet Joe, which was nice. Apparently he's been talking some shit about me but has decided I'm decent enough for Aaron to hang out with. Joe was very nice and sweet -- he even bought me lunch, which was surprising and very kind. I was impressed.

Today I took my Africa final, and again I have no idea how I did on it. And, more importantly, I don't care. It's almost over! That's all I can think about.

Whilst loading my refrigerator in my car this afternoon (quite a treat, let me tell you) my cousin Ashley walked by and told me the latest news on my father. Apparently he was arrested for an OWI and might be in jail as we speak. There was a call placed to our house a week or two ago from a Linn County inmate, and so it's quite possible that it was from my father.

This particular OWI also happens to be his third offense. At least, from what I understand of things from my childhood (which I don't, much). If that's the case, he's screwed hardcore.

Not only did he get a OWI, but apparently he has a girlfriend, and she's living with him, in the cabin. In my cabin.

Oh hell no. Hell no he didn'!

His sisters (who I'll refer to as Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber) also paid his bill to be able to get to his stuff in storage -- but not to be nice. Apparently my father has some things that his parents owned, and Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber wanted said things. In order to get to these things, they had to pay the bill in full. They did, however, make my father sell his things in storage in order to pay them back, so now I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any furniture, or anything else, for that matter.

So that's where things stand with that as of now. My thoughts are to go empty the cabin from all the furniture and make his fat ass sleep on the cold, hard ground.

But that's just me.

Feeling: furious.

Listening to: Nirvana's "Dive"

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
