I am a mess.

don't read this. It's a melancholy crap survey.
November 20, 2003 @ 3:13 p.m.

More pointless stuff about me, thanks to Aaron's journal.

W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . .

[What Do You Notice First?]: smile, hands, eyes

[Last Person You Danced With]: Uh. I'm a white girl. I don't dance. But I sorta skipped today with Natalie. That was fun.

[Worst Thing To Hear]: "I don't care about you."

[Worst Thing To Say]: "I don't care about you."

W H O . . .

[Makes You Laugh The Most?]: Aaron, Becky, Natalie, my brother Sean

[Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them]: Of course Aaron does. Not Jason but Jason's arms do. The Kurt Cobain look-alike that goes to my school.

[Has A Crush On You?]: You do. Admit it.

[Easier To Talk To Boys Or Girls?]: Girls, although I don't understand them. I'm getting more comfortable around guys, though, mostly thanks to my relationship with Aaron.

D O Y O U E V E R . . .

[Spend All Day Online Waiting For Someone Special To I.M. You?]: Aaron. But then I realize he's never on anymore and I feel stupid.

[Save AOL/AIM (MSN) Conversations]: The good ones, yes.

[Cry Because Of Someone Saying Something To You]: Yes. I'm actually quite sensitive to what people say to me, although they'd never realize it.

WH O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . .

[You Talked To On The Phone?]: my mommy, telling her I was leaving Cedar Rapids.

[Hugged]: my mom. Or Aaron. I can't remember which.

[You Instant Messaged]: Janice.

[You Laughed With]: Aaron

D O Y O U . . .

[Color Your Hair]: I used to all the time, but I haven't in over a year. Once I get money, though, I'm thinking about going red.

[Ever Get Off The Computer]: all the time. heheheheh.

[Habla Espanol]: un poco, pero...I suck.

[Smoke]: I did for like, three weeks. And then I stopped. and I haven't since.

[How Many Peeps Are On Your Buddylist?]: 46. And I talk to like three of them.

[What's Your Favorite Food?]: I don't have one. Which is ironic, really. My friends would tell you chicken fingers, though.

[What's Your Favorite Fruit?]: Strawberries. Or cantaloupe. Or red grapes. *drools*

[Drink Alcohol?]: on occasion. My brother just made me drink some 70-proof Bacardi like, two minutes ago, and now I'm set. to. go.

[Like Watching Sunrises Or Sunsets]: I like sunsets more, because I hate getting up early. But I rarely do either.

[What Hurts The Most? Physical Or Emotional Pain?]: Emotional pain, much more. Although I'm a wuss either way.

[Trust Others Way Too Easily?]: No. Just the wrong ones.

F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . .

[I Want]: snow. and to have sex. and to stop the room from spinning. and to be more secure with my body.

[I wish]: I was happy more often than I am.

[I love]: very little.

[I miss]: Indiana. My cabin.

[I fear]: That I'll never be good enough. That I'll always be poor. That I'll always be a virgin. That I'll never be in love.

[I hear]: Lenny Kravitz's "Heaven Help"

[I wonder]: If happiness lasts. If a college degree really matters in the end. If I wouldn't be happier without one. If I will ever be happy.

[How do you know its love?]: I don't know. I've never been in love.

[I am]: slightly drunk.

[Why did you fill this out?]: Because these things give me a hard-on.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
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I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
