I am a mess.

I have a screw loose
March 08, 2003 @ 2:16 p.m.

My mother and I just did my Indiana state taxes. You know what I learned, after more than an hour of struggling with these forms?

Indiana preparers of income tax are serious bastards.

In other news, wanna hear somethin' gross?

I have a plate in my leg, held in by some screws (obviously). It was put in there after I had a lateral break to both bones in my leg when I was in eighth grade. It's been relatively quiet, although it gets sore now and again from too much strain or shifts in weather patterns.

Well, all of a sudden, a screw decided, "Hey, I think I should work myself loose and cause pain!"

So yes. One of the screws that is holding my plate in place has come loose. You can feel it, and it hurts when you put pressure on it.

This is the grossest thing I have ever touched.

At first I didn't know what it was; I was at work and something in my shoe kept rubbing up and irritating the skin near the scar. I took off my shoe, took off my sock, and felt.

You can feel it. It moves. It fucking moves.

So yes. It's not serious enough to warrant a second visit to the emergency room in a month, but my doctor will definitely be receiving a call on Monday. My guess is that a little "procedure" (I hate that word, I know what it really means -- needles and knives and scars) will have to take place, either to remove it or to screw it back in.

I hope they remove it. I wish they would remove the whole thing, although it has been sort of cool telling people that I have metal in my body.

Dammit! How come when something finally happens in my life, it has to be painful? Why can't it just be a neat thing?

And no. Just for those who were wondering. I don't set off alarms.

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