I am a mess.

Whoring around
January 17, 2002 @ 9:14 a.m.

Things are going so well right now it's difficult to fathom. Kyle and I are wonderful friends, talking, teasing, laughing. (At least I am on this end. What he's doing on his end is unbeknownst to me.) It seems as if I grow closer to him every day. Makes me wary of the future, because as a pessimist, things can only go downhill from here as far as I'm concerned. But things are well with us. I've found a bit of peace with it all. Difficult to understand, but there nonetheless.

Matt and I are also having halfway decent conversations, which is more than unusual, it's unheard of. He actually was being sweet, which is horrible for his rocker image. I told him I wouldn't spread it around and would instead keep calling him an asshole.

I think he smiled at that.

It's amazing how much things can change in a day. I never thought I would be getting along with Matt so well. Of course, me being pessimistic again, it'll all go down the shitter. But hey, what can ya do.

Anyone want to send me money? I'm a poor college student that goes to a college that's too expensive for her. When your mother is off by $1400 in financial aid, it's amazing what you will do to earn that money yourself.

Whoring around for quarters suddenly becomes an option.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
