I am a mess.

He has nothing to do with this
February 14, 2002 @ 10:39 a.m.

I have decided that there are entirely too many beautiful people in this world.

And they're all running away from me screaming.

Ick. Valentine's Day sucks, man. I'm so tired. I don't even feel like smiling. And I feel rather ugly today. There's nothing like beautiful people that'll make you feel that way. It's just no good.

I have nothing to say. I think I've reached the end of sanity.


Naw, just kidding. Hell, I don't even know what I'm babbling about.

I sent Kyle an e-card today. Here's his e-mail response to the e-card (it's a lot more than I expected):

awesome kelly, thanx. :) even though the day is stupid and sucks, i hope you have a good one. I however am dreadfully sick, but fear not, kyle shall triumph. I don't know what i'm talking about i just thought it would sound cool. So i saw a campus band play, they

were...interesting. A little goofy and lame, but they had their charm. I went with my friend Jason, he has to review them for the paper. Anyways, we both really want to be in a band. He sings. Got a decent voice, better than most punk bands. So

yeah, i told him i would play guitar for him if he found a bassist and a drummer. So we're kind of getting all psyched up, not that anything will happen or anyone will respond. We're gonna jam and write songs. I'm working on simpleness. Lyrically

simple, without being cliche or "pop" but still catchy...yeah yeah, i'm dreaming. alright, talk to you later. happy virgin day. I'm cutting off my penis

yeah i think we're going too fast

yeah i think we're going too fast

yeah i think we're going too fast

but at least we're going...

that's something i came up with. *shrugs* anywho, adios

And that's Kyle, pure and simple. Ever wanted to know him? That's him. He's goofy and drives me crazy and I hate him and love him.

Like I said before, ick.

I'm not going to the hockey game. Seeing as it's Thursday, and Becky and Blaine are going to the dance on Friday...I don't have a way to get there and I don't know if I would want to go anyway.

Fuck it. I don't need to. I have better things to do.

Okay, so I'm lying. But that's not something you need to tell people. Gaw I'm antsy today.

Fuck it. Fuck it all. Jesus.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
