I am a mess.

Even after I won
April 03, 2002 @ 7:14 p.m.

I won.

He's bringing it by tonight.

So why are my legs shaking and my eyes watering?

This is the e-mail I sent him:


You have had my skirt for the past two months and I want it back because it's mine. If I don't see it by Friday after you're done with work, then I will stop by at my leisure to pick it up. You haven't been what you call a friend and you don't respect me or my things, so just give it back, and all will be great and bright and wonderful. If I stop by and I still don't get it back, we're gonna have words. Obviously I've blabbed before...I don't mind doing it again...and this time, I won't feel bad about doing it. I tried to be nice, asking nicely and giving you options, and you don't respect me enough to do that. So either you give it back or I come and get it. Your choice.


This is the response:

Woah! - where did that come from, I was kidding. I was actualy planning on bringing it by sometime this week after I got off work because I'm not suposed to have people at the station after hours. So I guess I'll talk to you later.


And this is the conversation that we just had:

Matt: hey

Kelly: hi

Matt: why are you so pissed? -- I told you I'd bring it by sometime this week

Kelly: It didn't seem like you were bringing it back, you just said "I'll bring it by whenever"

Kelly: just trying to get your attention

Matt: well, it's a shitty way to get someone's attention

Kelly: it's how I feel

Matt: "You haven't been what you call a friend and you don't respect me or my things" -- I'm sorry I thought that talking to people about their problems, reading and appreciating their poetry, and being a nice guy at least most of the time were things that friends did

Kelly: you know what? Just bring it back, and don't worry about it

Matt: I told you last night that I would give it back, it's not like I'm using it or anything, it's sitting in my room

Matt: I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, I just want you to see my point

Kelly: I see your frickin point, do you see mine?

Matt: yes

Matt: I'll drop it off tonight

I won.

So why do I still feel shitty?

<< | >>

- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
