I am a mess.

I contemplate the day we wed...your friends are boring me to death
March 13, 2004 @ 6:53 p.m.

Last night my mother and I went out for dessert and talked. It was quite an interesting conversation. We talked about my father, and how my mother is considering paying him off for the cabin, so that she can get full legal rights and he can kindly exit the premises. To pay him the $10,000 he's demanding, however, she would have to take from my college fund, and from Sean's college fund.

My opinion? He can go fuck himself stupid. He's not getting a dime from any member of my family.

She's worried that I'm too bitter concerning him, and I'll be the first one to admit that I am. Despite how this diary may portray me, I'm actually quite laid-back (using this diary as a place to vent) and it's takes a lot for me to become furious with anyone, or with any situation. This is years of pent-up frustration and anger about him hurting my family, and hurting me. This type of anger doesn't come easily, and it doesn't go easily. In fact, the easiest way for all of this to go away is for him to die. I wish him to die. It will not stop until that man is no longer breathing, and I wish it to be sooner rather than later.

After this, we moved on to talking about drinking. Now, with my mother, this is an unheard-of topic. She is a strict Catholic mother who uses denial as the primary way to cope with her children's antics, and so discussing her daughter's drinking habits (and at one point, even suggesting what I should try) is mind-blowing. It was good, though, because I'm not close to my mother in that respect, and I wish I could talk to her about that sort of thing more often.

So I told her how I had drank before, but never been drunk enough not to remember what I was doing. I did leave out how I had driven home from Aaron's more than a little drunk one night, just to keep from being lectured at. But we discussed drinks, and being drunk, and it was good and strange, but mostly good.

In other good (and totally unrelated) news, I have a hair appointment at 12:30 on Monday. An old friend called and asked me to be a color model, and I've been entertaining the idea of dyeing my hair red for about a month now. So! No payment for hair color! Yay!

Also. Car payment on Monday. DO NOT let me forget this.

Off to kidnap Aaron to Happy Chef!

Feeling: pretty good.

Listening to: Brand New's "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows"

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
