I am a mess.

chipper me
December 22, 2003 @ 10:04 p.m.

So I'm okay. I daresay I'm even better than okay. I'm good. I know, I know. This diary might be quiet for a while if I've nothing sad to talk about. Not to fret -- the sadness will return. But I welcome it as much as I welcome this happiness. I've decided I'm going to be more open and accepting of things, and work through things better, and above all -- not let anyone read my journals anymore! I know I scared Anne, and as much as that's okay for her to know that side of me, I need to be a little more careful of what I let people read. They don't need to be knowing I'm all disturbed and suicidal and stuff. Well, my true friends already know that, but I think Aaron's the only one who knows to what extent.

Speaking of Aaron, I saw him today. Yay! I took him to his rehab appointment, and then we went to Village Inn, and then back to my place. He checked his email and updated and I gave him a back massage 'cause I'm all cool like that. After watching an episode of Fresh Prince, we went back to his place and laid in his bed. He was trying to convince me that he was dying because there was no blood flow to certain important parts of his body -- but I quickly changed that. Chad came home before anything happened, though. It was good times. We just sat together in each other's arms before I reluctantly left for work. I really heart him. (My word, hehehe.)

Good night at work, although busier than I would have liked. And now I'm going to climb in my bed and read the rest of my book, and then ready myself for a full day at work tomorrow. Ew. But! Good money! Yay!

God, that's a little too chipper, isn't it? Ah well.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
