I am a mess.

Fort Wayne, one last time
August 17, 2003 @ 9:19 p.m.

Okay, so, Fort Wayne. The drive out there was actually pretty fast, once we got going. We were late because of Becky's mother, which actually isn't a big surprise to much of anybody. We got in relatively early.

Becky, Blaine, Robin and I went out to eat Friday night at Flanagan's (a bit of everything to eat). It was good to see her. After dinner I accompanied Robin back to her house, which is right across from St. Francis. We took an hour walk around campus and got thoroughly sweaty, then took a load off at her place and she talked about her boys that she has.

Robin also pranked Matt (a favorite pasttime of hers when I'm around, for some reason) and told me about seeing him in various bars, and how utterly clueless he is. I know she constantly tries to make me feel better about him, but honestly I didn't want to see him this time and don't care what he does to Robin (unless he were to hurt her, of course). I just don't care about him anymore.

Saturday morning Becky took me to meet her friend from work, Pam. We went out for lunch at Cebolla's (Mexican) and then walked around Glenbrook Mall for a while. I didn't buy anything but didn't need to -- it was just nice to get back into a town where I wasn't known by everyone and their brother.

For dinner Pam and Becky's former boss lady Loretta went with us and Blaine to Casa's (an Italian-type restaurant) and then to Zesto for ice cream. We got to partyin' in the car to "Magic Stick" and other lovely hip-hop jives thanks to this station. We were going to drop Blaine off at the apartment and then head out to Meijer for nothing in particular.

Unfortunately that buzz was broken when Blaine was approached by this asscunt who was waiting outside the apartment. Blaine had been assulted not too far from his place a few months back and I, for one, was afraid this was round two. So Becky and I both jumped out of the car and stormed up. Turned out this guy was just wanting a light for a cigarette, but he was either stoned or drunk and leaning dangerously close towards my breasts.

I brought the matches out to him, trying not to hit him. We got Becky's dog Luci and brought her outside to go to the bathroom, so Blaine wouldn't have to do that alone, and then made sure Blaine was locked in before we left. That was basically the excitement for Saturday night.

And then today we came home. Except it took forever. We left Fort Wayne at 10:30 and didn't get home until almost six. I'm not quite sure how that happened, but. Found a cute Kyle at the Morris, Illinois Burger King that I would have liked to throw in Becky's trunk and bring him home as my sex slave. I mean, he had dimples. Dimples! But only when he smiled, of course.


And so that was my trip. I'm not looking forward to getting into the routine of school, starting this week (so I can adjust my sleeping schedule) and then next week for real.

Whoot :(

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
