I am a mess.

pain, you know you're right
January 12, 2004 @ 4:47 p.m.

The last twenty-four hours have been interesting, to say the least. I went back to Cedar Falls just in time for Bridget to corner me and tell me we're in trouble. That's right. We. Bridget has candles in the dorm room, which you are not supposed to have. And they found them over break when they came into our dorm rooms, like they warned us beforehand that they were going to do. And they took her candles. Because they're illegal.

But it turns out we both have to meet with the head of the dorm sometime this week to "resolve" things. So that is a great welcome back gift...or NOT. I hope Bridget claims full and complete responsibility for this, because if she even tries to say they were my candles, or both of our candles, I will grab her nipples with pliers and twist them off.

Things got better after Bridget left. I unpacked and called Aaron and we talked for about an hour. Natalie and I ordered a pizza. I also found my Bright Eyes CDs, both of which had gone missing for months now. It turns out they were under my bed the whole time. So that's good.

Was in bed by eleven with the help of sleep aids but all the new noises kept waking me up. Bridget was up bright and early, before six, and was banging around and turning on lights and things. I tossed and turned until 7:30 and then wearily got out of bed. I slept probably a total of three hours last night, and they weren't good hours.

Had breakfast with Natalie, then walked to class. Four classes, two of which are going to suck, I can already tell. There was goodness is my day, however -- a boy. His name's Steve, and he's in three (read it, three) of my classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Jesus. God. You guys, he's an emo boy. He's got the hair he has to flip out of his eyes and the ichy emo sweaters and everything. And we talked. For like, half an hour. And he used to be in a band. And he worked in a library once.

You guys, I smell it too. It's bad already, right?

Feeling: icky.

Listening to: "You Know You're Right" by Nirvana is in my head

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
