I am a mess.

only Wednesday
January 14, 2004 @ 10:04 a.m.

Busy week already, and it's only Wednesday. Thank God it's already Wednesday. Let's hope this semester goes just as fast as the last one.

As you might be able to tell, my mind is feeling very random today. I'm tired, but my tummy's full from breakfast and I'm in a relatively sedated mood (minus sedatives, which is even better). Yesterday I was in a bad place all-around for one reason or another, and so hopefully that funk has disappeared.

Aaron took me out to lunch yesterday, which was very nice of him. It was nice to see him again, after three (three!) whole days of going without. He gave me $100 to hold onto for him, since he's recently come into some money and doesn't want to blow it all at once, since he's planning on leaving the state eventually.

I also dragged him along to Steak n' Shake after work to meet up with Becky and TJ, and everybody had a good time. However, I was feeling vomity and generally icky, so there was a bit of damper on things. I took Aaron home and he gave me a big hug and I felt better...until I (by routine) headed "home" to my mother's house. I almost pulled down my street, and then burst into completely random tears at the thought of having to go back to Cedar Falls. It was the strangest thing.

I made the drive back, curled up in bed and managed to sleep, although not well and not long enough. It sounds ridiculous to say that I'm homesick, because home's much closer than it ever was in indiana. But I miss my friends, and I miss my dog, and it's stupid that I have to be in school. I hate school. I'm so exhausted already and it's only Wednesday. Thank God it's Wednesday.

I am going home on Friday and I am going to die and I am going to take hostage both Aaron and Aaron's bed. Okay?

Feeling: sleepy.

Listening to: a really loud printer.

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- - March 22, 2010
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