I am a mess.

the guy for me
September 30, 2003 @ 4:06 p.m.

Okay. I know I said I would never do a list of things I wanted in a boyfriend, because it limits things.

But I have never been so horny in all my life. So this will distract me.

Physically, not much turns me off. I care more about what someone does and is than what someone looks like.

I want a boy who laughs, and makes me laugh. I want a boy who plays the guitar. I want a boy who will teach me things, and spout random facts for absolutely no reason. I want a boy who can dress himself well, and take me out and pay for things himself. I want a boy that can get things done.

I want someone who's going to take care of responsibilities; one that will work and work hard, and play hard, too. I want one who loves animals, who loves football, who loves cuddling. I want a man's man -- he can fix the toilet when it's broken, crush a beer can on his forehead -- but still be sensitive enough to bring me flowers and sing nonsensical songs to me.

I want someone who'll make me roll my eyes while he's stealing my heart.

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- - March 22, 2010
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