I am a mess.

Ryan (for a while)
April 18, 2002 @ 10:22 a.m.

I had the worst day in the world already.

Till Ryan showed up. Man, does he stink pretty. One grin at me and I melted. Those silly boys and their cuteness.

He smiled at me, asked me what I was doing. I demonstrated it for him, placing the label on the spine, covering the label, placing the neon yellow sticker underneath the bar code, the "doohickey" and "thingamabob" respectively under that. Rubber cement has never made me laugh so hard, watching him try and perform these simple tasks himself.

"It seems simple enough when you do it, but then you hand the project over to me..."

We chatted quickly about the art show and his sculpture. Apparently none of his pieces were done in time...which is unfortunate, because I've seen bits of his work and they're actually quite good.

Art students are so yummy, with their goatees and unmastered curls and their coat of paint or plaster or Dektol, or smudges of pencil adorning their fingers, proudly marking their hard work. It's adorable, honestly.

I left, but not without Ryan's final comment of "Have fun, Kelly." Oh, he said my name...

I could barely squeak out "You too, Ryan." I'm such a dipshit around boys sometimes.

And now my day is quickly getting bad again. I am such a misanthrope today...I'm tired and cranky and bleeding from one too many orifices. Even John Mayer isn't helping. I need some major Control right now.

Working early never helps things. Right now, I feel a need to go outside and run until my throat burns and I need steroids pumped into my lungs.


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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
