I am a mess.

Cooter table
March 20, 2002 @ 11:03 a.m.

I am really. Really. Sick.

I woke up this morning because I couldn't breathe. That's a lovely way to wake up, let me tell you.

It's like screaming.

Matt and I talked last night about nothing in particular, like always. We're avoiding this subject like herpes. We're good at that.

Kyle thinks I should. But then again, he's Kyle.

Janice thinks it should be earned.

And Becky and Robin are just being super supportive. And Blaine...God bless him, really...they're all just the sweetest. And M, too...

I don't know what to do about all of it. But I do know I have so many people in my corner.

Which is both pleasing and unusual at the same time.

More pleasing than anything.

Erm, more news...Sean wants to hang out over Easter. You have no idea how excited that makes me.

The four of us, at the cooter table.

Good times had by all.

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- - March 22, 2010
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