I am a mess.

Anne Sexton on top of Eminem
September 04, 2002 @ 8:39 p.m.

Becky. Blood is of the divine. Worship it while you can. Soon enough you will be missing it.

...Now that I had my Gloria Steinem moment, I shall move on.

Still kinda wondering why exactly Bobby flipped at me. Well, he didn't flip, necessarily, but took something a lot further than he should have. I was just talking about how I don't like girls who sing and girl bands because they either overuse or underuse their voices. And his response?

"someone once wrote and i think it was propagandhi, an all MALE punk band, if you look at your record collection and your book collection and find that under half of them were written and recorded by females, that means that there is something very scary and wrong happening in our society and art community, because there are all these female artists that arnt being heard simply because they ARENT MEN. and that is sad.

So you wouldn't just be doing me a favor by going out and checking out some good girl bands, you'd b e doing yourself a favor, cuz theres some good shit out there."

....Okay, so maybe he didn't snap. But I think maybe he took a comment that I made a lot too far. Usually Bobby is very open, but I mention the fact that I like boys so much better than girls when it comes to singing and he gets angry.

Am I not the one who has a book of Anne Sexton by her bed, right on top of Eminem's, the famous misogynist?


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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
