I am a mess.

Get hugging
August 02, 2002 @ 3:41 p.m.

It is too. freaking. warm. I hiked all across the greater Fort Wayne area, trying to keep up with Blaine, as we stopped at the library, WAJI, St. Joseph's, and then again at the library.

Where I am all sorts of sweaty but updating anyway.

I got to see Sean today, for a while...some things never change. Those blue eyes still get me. He's still perverted, strange, and utterly lickable. I still want him to make his bed and for me to lie in it with him.

We picked him up from WMEE and Blaine and Sean decided they'd be raunchy, as normal. Ratings came out today and so that was basically their topic of discussion. I sat and listened with my eyes mostly closed, hearing that beautiful radio voice that's no longer on the radio.

I also saw little Steve today. He looks good, I had forgotten how much I liked hugging him. I don't like hugging most people. He's okay. He knows how to hug me, first of all. Mostly because he's short too, but also because he's a good hugger.

I don't know if tall people know this, but there is a certain way to hug a short person. Yes, it involves more from you then it does for us, but it's your fault that you're so tall, first of all. Short of buying us a stepstool or some really fucked-up shoes, you're going to have to be the ones to bend down. Far. Far enough for our chins to be tucked up onto your shoulder. There's nothing I hate more than a tall person trying to hug me and I end up getting lipstick all over their shirt because they mashed my face into their chest.

No, tall people. No. There's just a way of doing things.

Of course the nicer ones will help you out; they'll reach up on their toes and reach for you the best they can. Realize, however, there is only so much we can do.

This is an important lesson, tall people. And I know the short people will back me up on this one. That's part of the reason I don't like hugging people most of the time: most don't know how to hug me.

Well, now you have a definitive Kelly guide of how to hug short people. So please, oh please, get hugging.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
