I am a mess.

I am happy
July 19, 2002 @ 10:51 a.m.

That concert was so fucking amazing. I am so glad that I went, I don't regret anything at all.

First, the piercing. Sitting mostly comfortably in my upper left ear is a 24-karat gold fake sapphire. It looks like it belongs there, really. I like it a lot and it barely hurt, only burned and turned red for a while after. But it looks much better now, only hurts when you put your fingers all over it as I have done so many times already.

Now, the As Advertised concert. Ashley and I walked the Farmers Day grounds, then sat and waited for the band to play. The opening act, a band from Chicago named Two Minutes Later (or something like that) didn't show, so As Advertised took on the three hours themselves. Keep in min that these boys were used to half hour gigs, so this was quite an undertaking.....

They played all their music, played covers of Good Charlotte and New Found Glory, "Sweet Home Alabama" and a melee of others. Mostly it sounded all right -- stray chords here and there, some forgotten words, a bit of tripping all over each other. Normal stuff for a band that hasn't played live in a long time and had been missing their lead singer for the majority of the year.

I'll introduce the members of the band, for those less knowing of such matters. Jason, on the drums, occupies the back of the stage. He's your random drummer, all right looking, rushes the songs, seems nice enough. Mitch walks around in the back near stage left behind his brother. He's just a youngin, plays the bass and mostly keeps quiet. In front of Mitch is big brother Drew, who plays rhythm guitar. He also sings on occasion -- last night he sang "Homecoming" and the New Found Glory song. He has a bit of an overbite, a nice smile, is tall, average build, and has a silly rocker haircut.

JD is stage right of Drew, right smack in the middle of the action. As the lead singer, his voice is slightly reedy and always slightly flat. I think he battles a bit of tone-deafness at times, but he's good. The most physical distinguishable feature of JD's is his blue eyes, but they're hidden mostly under a mop of thick black hair that only looks good wet. He's the stereotypical punk rocker, loves to jump around. He's short and has a bit of a belly but is still cute.

And then there's David. I have no words to describe David fully and perfectly. He's thin, naturally blonde, a wonderful smile, tall, has graceful, delicate hands, and his blue ice eyes. We met eyes simply by chance a couple of times, and I cannot tell you what it was like. All the old cliches are sanctified in him. I felt...not consumed, not buried, not drowning, not any of those words that signify pain in the end. No, instead, I was held in these eyes for split seconds, a place where my breath caught and pulse quickened and all that silly nonsense.

They're funny, all of them, cracking jokes on stage about how much equipment was breaking over the course of the show (a lot) and how much they sucked (not so much). They're easy to tell apart now that I've seen them live. I have immense respect for all of their talents. Enjoyed myself very much at their show, tried to ignore the big-breasted giggling blondes that David and Drew were gawking over. I ws determined to have a good time and so threw my mind and body into the music further to forget the stares that normally would have bothered me.

Two and a half hours later and thoroughly drenched in sweat, As Advertised played their last song. David ran between vocals and piano and his beautiful cherry-red electric guitar; at one time he was playing chords on the keyboard with his right hand and chords on his guitar with his left, pick dangling from his lips, sweaty and smiling at nothing in particular. That was my favorite part of the show. I have decided that David should be perpetually sweaty. On everone else I think sweat is disgusting; on him, it's beautiful. Reminds me of how he'd be if I was allowed to do all sorts of things to him and his body.

I got to stare for three hours at a black-and-orange-clothed, Adidas-shoed, guitar-playing epitome of perfection and his band. I am happy.

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- - March 22, 2010
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