I am a mess.

homoerotic powerwalking and Kelly hugs
December 08, 2003 @ 3:14 p.m.

Surprisingly, I'm in a good mood today. My aches and pains are gone from last night, I slept until eleven today, and I didn't have any classes. Well. I did. But I slept through the two that I had. The third was canceled, the one I had with Jason, but I saw him on the way to class and we decided to have lunch together. So.

Lunch with Jason! And he wants my cell phone number! So we can hang out after this semester! Eee! *happy but frightening Kelly dance*

Then I drove home. It was a good drive. And it's absolutely beautiful outside. And I got to eat chocolate pie. So no wonder I'm in a good mood, honestly.

Yesterday I wasn't. Poor Aaron, he had to put up with me -- even canceled better plans because he thought we were going to a movie. I wanted to, but I hurt everywhere. And then my mother and my brother started fighting, and there was yelling going on, and so I asked him if we could leave.

I feel awful, though, because he could have been doing something good with himself and instead he goes home to an angry answering machine message from his roommate's girlfriend and me all curled up on the futon and not being very much fun at all. I would have been angry too.

He had a bit of anger to get out, which was fine. I wasn't afraid -- more concerned than anything. I've never been afraid of Aaron, not once, because I know that his rage would never turn on me. He would never touch me when he's mad, I know that for a fact. I just wish I could make it better, because I hate it, I absolutely hate it, when he hurts. Whether it's physical pain, or anger, or sadness, or depression -- I never want him to feel that way. I want to take all of that upon myself, so that he doesn't have to deal with it, so he can be happy.

That sounds lame.

So yes. Good mood. I work out at West tonight, which is something I always enjoy. And then I'm going to hang out with Aaron. We'll see if I can't make him feel better. It sounds like all he needs are some Kelly hugs and a demonstration of homoerotic powerwalking.

None of you get that joke and I realize that. Too bad. Inside jokes are cool.

Yes. That is all.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
