I am a mess.

i love myself. really. i do.
April 07, 2004 @ 10:04 a.m.

There are certain things that just tickle me. The fact that I decided staying up until 1:30 a.m. talking to a best friend on the phone and writing a letter instead of studying for a major test (which I failed this morning) is one of them.

I mean, really. Why am I such a slacker that the fact I just bombed a pretty big test doesn't bother me? Well, sure, it bothered me all throughout the test, knowing, by God, I'm going to fail this fucker. And it bothered me until I was out of the classroom.

And now it bothers me no more.

Heh. I love myself. Have you given your Kelly a hug today?

I thought not. Hrrmph!

Feeling: hrrmphy. *giggles*

Listening to: some weird trance music is in my head. Strange.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
