I am a mess.

very monotone
December 03, 2003 @ 4:16 p.m.

Yesterday was pointless until Aaron called me around seven. At that time I was watching "Horatio Hornblower", my second love to Aaron, but quickly gave that up and drove down to Cedar Rapids to see him. I had a great time. Laughed a lot.

Cried the whole way back to Cedar Falls.

Got in, wrote some very disturbing prose. Went to sleep around 1:30 or two, I don't remember and don't care.

Now, let me summarize my day today.

No eight a.m. class. (Jason went, however, so I'm good on the notes.) Slept fitfully until 9:45, was woken several times before that by Bridget's church bells alarm. Briefly contemplated throwing myself, her, and the church bells all out our second-story window. Went and showered instead.

Class, math. Pointless.

Lunch with Natalie. Called Becky. Giggled. Heart really not into it. Feels her pain and all that, though.

Class, oral communication, with Jason. Giggled at Jason's antics. Noted we both dressed in blue shirts and khakis. Wore makeup for him. He noticed.

Noted also that I want a boyfriend so badly it burns.

Walked from class to campanile with Jason. Parted ways. Stared at his butt when he walked away.

Drove home while listening to Aaron's new mixtape. Dislike the mixtape. The drive was uneventful.

Now: eating tuna tetrazini. Mood has leveled off to static. I miss my birth control pills, which make me less bipolar. Want snow, want to be stranded, want to hit a deer.

Want something to happen.

Feeling: static, perhaps a bit caustic.

Listening to: silence.

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- - March 22, 2010
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b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
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I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
