I am a mess.

Lick me like peanut butter
March 20, 2003 @ 9:44 a.m.

I�m torn. There�s a part of me that dreads going back to Iowa today. Because I know what to expect there: stupid homework and stupid school and most dreadfully stupid work. I loathe what I do for money, I honestly do.

But on the other hand, I dread staying here. Parts of my trip have been lovely, but parts of it have been infuriating and depressing and extremely boring. I remember what this place was like without things to do. And it�s not healthy for me.

We did end up seeing Sean yesterday, for lunch at Applebee�s. It�s nice that some people never change, him with his navy blue bandana and sky blue eyes. He smiled a couple of times in my general direction. I managed not to make too huge a fool of myself � smiled a lot, laughed some, didn�t say much. Got a little chirpy when he brought up my trip back home � yes, Sean, I will make sure to go west, not east. Thank you for reminding me.

I sat there, talked mostly to Becky, listened to him and Blaine talk about radio personalities and things that I had never heard of. He got very angry when he talked about the man who took Boomer off the air, and it was reminiscent of something. I don�t know what.

Afterwards Becky and I went scoping these ridiculously huge houses out in Sycamore Hills and laughed our asses off. We managed to get lost, although we're not quite sure how, on the way there. But it was good times.

I saw Robin last night as well. We went to the Komets hockey game, although we left in the middle of the third period because the Komets were winning by two goals and no one had fought yet. We went to Steak'n'Shake and then back to her dorm.

It was sorta nice, seeing old faces. I was reintroduced to Nico, Jackie, Shaggy, and met some new faces as well. We went power walking and I was a good sounding board for Robin's problems. Then she decided she needed to prank Matt, for some odd reason.

For anyone who's wondering, I swear it wasn't my idea.

She was going to call him up and say "Oh...Matt....I just...I need you to say...I need you to say...lick me like peanut butter...please..."

The whole thing was incredibly sixth grade, yet incredibly funny.

Although she did call and leave him voice messages twice, we never did ahold of him before she brought me back here. There's something that I find rather amusing come this relatively early, slightly beautiful morning: his away message.

"so if you tried calling me and didn't leave your number, you should call back..."

I'll see you when I get back to Iowa, y'all.

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- - March 22, 2010
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b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
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I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
