I am a mess.

Smegmatic fingernails
March 06, 2003 @ 4:04 p.m.

My life and I aren't getting along very well right now. She called me a bitch, I pulled her hair...you know how it goes.

I wrote a poem last night, and although the images are quite disturbing, I think they turned out well:

My life

is one big hot flash,

signaling the death and rotting

of my inside parts.

I smell the smegma

beneath my fingernails,

I breathe through my lips,

I see Jesus in sweatpants.

I seem to write for the upstream,

and long-haired fools,

and small sentiments and wind gusts

and things.

In hating myself,

I nearly cracked a tooth.

It is only in your wish that I dwell.

I dunno. It's all right. For not having written for a month, I think it's better than what it could have been.

I missed school yesterday and I nearly cut myself in my dumb emo angst.

I have found the best bra ever. And it only cost me $16.99. (My credit card and I are becoming fast friends.)

Lectures and lies and dumb looks are rather annoying to me as of late.

I look really dumb in my skin today.

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