I am a mess.

sometimes I forget
April 22, 2004 @ 3:34 p.m.

Things are getting better.

My friend Anne has loaned me some money, and so I'm in the clear. Granted, I owe Anne and my mother a shitload of money (not to mention my life), but things are getting resolved, slowly but surely. And I made it to Thursday without having a breakdown. Which is always a pleasant thing.

I've also not had a cigarette in a day and a half. Pretty much I think my ugly little habit is gone, and with minimal discomfort. I doubt it was because I have such great willpower or some shit like that -- it was more likely that I just wasn't addicted. I mean, come on...if I had great willpower, I wouldn't be nearly the weight that I am now.

Ugh. I'm not going to get myself down about the way I look today. I'm going to make myself some Velveeta shells and cheese and go to work and feel productive.

I told my sob story at work yesterday and was surprised at the amount of sympathy I received. Not only did Anne give me money, but another wonderful sweet lady named Marilyn offered and said she would be honored to loan me some money, because I am a sweet person and I work very hard.

Then she asked where my father was during this whole money debacle, and she got to hear the history on that.

I'm going to toot my own horn here a little bit, but sometimes I forget how much shit I've really put up with in my life. How much I've gone through to get where I am.

Sometimes I forget that I'm a fighter.

Feeling: better.

Listening to: D12's "My Band" is in my head again

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- - March 22, 2010
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