I am a mess.

and the word of the day is: sputum
April 14, 2003 @ 9:14 a.m.

Nih. This computer is being all slow and stuff, so quick entry, and then time to sit outside.

I am sick. In 80 degree weather. It's a mix between a hacking cough that's buried deep down in my chest now (a la bronchitis, most likely) and my allergies, although I don't know what I'm allergic to. I think maybe the sun.

See what happens when I skip work on Friday to have fun? I get sick. I'm convinced that God hates me.

Owww. When I cough, it burns in my chest. Like someone just lit my lungs on fire and somehow phlegm burns rather well in certain conditions.

That's sorta gross.

Today is also, officially, a fat day. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, today is one of those days where I just don't want to face the world. Where I would have been better off staying in bed.

Alas, no. I have a dumb ethics essay test that I should bother myself over, although I doubt it is worth it.

I bet I am the only person in Iowa today that is wearing fleece. But hey. It was cool outside this morning.

M-W.com's word of the day is "meshuggener" -- it's Yiddish, meaning "a foolish or crazy person." So don't tell me you never learn anything.

Becky, you should call me. It would be nice to hear that you got home.

Um, that's all.

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- - March 22, 2010
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