I am a mess.

My updated life
December 13, 2002 @ 9:03 a.m.

...I love these quiz things. Read it. It's my updated life.

x. my family thinks i am = too smart for my own good

x. my best friend thinks I am = pretty funny, creative, poetic

x. three worst qualities = lack of trust in people, too much feeling put into the wrong people, inability to get close

x. three things you are often complimented for = poetry, good advice, smile (I dunno)

x. a compliment you got that made you blush = that I smell good

x. you get embarrassed when = I mess up

x. makes you happy = a cloudy day, Christmas, the Packers, my cabin, when I write well

x. upsets you = chronic tardiness (in myself or others), liars, those who don't care about me (as I am the center of the universe and all)

yes or no. ..

x you keep a diary = ....what the hell is this?

x you like to cook = no

x you have a secret you have not shared with anyone = yes

x you fold your underwear = only when it's clean

x you talk in your sleep = not that I know of

x you set your watch a few minutes ahead = yes -- 5 minutes

x you bite your fingernails = no

x you believe in love = I'm beginning to doubt it for myself, but others, absolutely

last. ..

x. movie you rented = ...I don't even remember. That tells you how good it was.

x. movie you bought = Boys Don't Cry

x. song you listened to = As Advertised's "August"

x. song that was stuck in your head = "Blister in the Sun" by Violent Femmes

x. song you've downloaded = ...actually, had downloaded for me...probably Sleater-Kinney, or Rufio

x. CD you bought = ummm. I think my Good Charlotte CDs. And New Found Glory.

x. CD you listened to = As Ad's "Soundtrack to Life"

x. person you've called = Jessica

x. person that's called you = Jessica

x. TV show you've watched = Conan O' Brien

x. person you were thinking of = Kyle (blah)

do. ..

x. you wish you could live somewhere else = yes, in England

x. you believe in online dating = yes

x. others find you attractive = doubtful

x. you want more piercings = maybe...don't know what else I would pierce, though

x. you want more tattoos = don't have any

x. you drink = not normally

x. you do drugs = no

x. you smoke = no

x. you like cleaning = no

x. you like roller coasters = no

x. you write in cursive or print= cursive

x. donor card: no, but I have the whole signed-license deal. I want to donate all my organs. That is. If anyone wants them.

have you. ..

x. ever cried over a boy/girl = oh GOD yes

x. ever lied to someone = of course

x. ever been in a fist fight = no

X. ever been arrested = no

what. ..

x. shampoo do you use = VO5 or Suave

x. perfume do you use = Moonlight Path, Bath and Body Works

x. shoes do you wear = Nike, normally

And now some random facts you may or may not know about me:

~ I am left handed.

~ This means I am right-brained.

~ My hair is slowly fading back to its natural color.

~ I don't remember its natural color.

~ I play the guitar.

~ Kind of.

~ I have scars on my body.

~ They were not homemade.

~ I have a wicked fetish for boys that look like girls.

~ But not in the transsexual way.

~ Boys intrigue me.

~ Boys confuse me.

~ I don't like my life right now.

~ I doubt I will ever be satisfied.

~ Sometimes, that's okay.

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
