I am a mess.

More quotes!
more @ because

"I want to be the snowflake that lives on the end of YOUR lashes. Silly. As if I'd never kiss your lashes. You have only to bend down." April the twenty-ninth, 2002

"....that "fuck you" stands out, more than anything." April the thirtieth, 2002

"I even preferred pervert over that, believe it or not." May the first, 2002

"He's immature and a pain in the ass sometimes and I love and miss him already." May the second, 2002

"A simple equation that I can't solve means I don't know where home is." May the twenty-third, 2002

"He will consume me. Just you watch." June the third, 2002

"I miss at least pretending I belong to someone." June the fourteeth, 2002

"Ask Chuck, the poor boy. I'm sure he knows the meaning of life. After all, he gave me a look." June the eighteenth, 2002

"I just got all of that crackpot philosophy out of Owen Wilson's nose." June the twentieth, 2002

"My brother, he ate all the cookies and left me with this insane habit of staying up too late and getting up too early." June the twenty-eighth, 2002

"I fear the vacancy sign in your eyes that flashes whenever I'm around you." July the third, 2002

"Sarcastic, sardonic, cynical. Never sweet." July the fifth, 2002

"He was there with his girl at the time, and they were riding a giant blowup penis named Captain Pecker. I thought it best not to say much more than hello." July the fifteenth, 2002

"All the old cliches are sanctified in him." July the nineteenth, 2002

"I asked Kyle the other night if he ever felt like he needed to be fixed. He asked if I meant neutered." August the fifteenth, 2002

""I measured your dad once."" August the twenty-eighth, 2002

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- - March 22, 2010
always the same - July 01, 2008
b-a-n-a-n-a-s! - December 25, 2006
elementary again - October 29, 2006
I don't like you, but I love you - October 03, 2006
